Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Bible Blog Your Life by Turning the Biblical Narrative into a Mirror for Seeing Yourself

The chronological blog form invites the creation of a personal narrative, telling your story.  A blog is a web log, an Internet journal through which you can document the flow of your life’s activities, thoughts and plans.  It connects your past and present to your future through a stream of images and words. 

Seeing your life as a coherent narrative gives meaning to it.  You can discern the significance of events in your life by joining them together in a narrative sequence.   You can make sense of your life by telling it as a story through sequences of photographs in dialogue with creative texts. 

The blog form is an ideal literary and artistic structure for recording your experiences and commenting on them.  As social media, blogs open opportunities to share life stories with others worldwide through the blogosphere and Twitterverse.

The following photos from a Bible Blog Your Life post appear in my book Through a Bible Lens. I also wrote about them in a personal narrative "How an Angel Led Me into the Garden of Eden" https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/how-an-angel-led-me-into-the-garden-of-eden/.

I was keynote speaker at the inaugural symposium launching the Institute for Postdigital Narrative at ZKM in Karlsruhe, Europe’s foremost research center for art and new media.  The Institute’s founding director Professor Michael Bielicky wrote, “Mankind has always operated on narrative to explain and understand its own existence. Our times, in particular, call for the exploration, expression, and especially, creation of new story-telling formats.”

In The Art of Biblical Narrative, University of California Professor Robert Alter explains that the Bible “has a great deal to teach anyone interested in narrative because its seemingly simple, wonderfully complex art offers such splendid illustrations of the primary possibilities of narrative.”  Paying attention to the literary structure of the biblical narrative as you explore its content can offer you significant lessons on how to write your story as it unfolds both visually and verbally.          

Bible blogging invites you to link your narrative to the biblical narrative.   It asks you to create a dialogue between your story and the Bible’s story.  It presents opportunities to use your imagination for discovering how the biblical narrative provides fresh insights for seeing the spiritual dimensions of your storyline.

See Bible Blog Your Life, an exemplary blog created by my wife Miriam and me as a narrative of our daily life http://bibleblogyourlife.blogspot.com.  The book Through a Bible Lens teaches how to Bible blog your life by weaving smartphone photographs together with a creative Twitter text. 

THROUGH A BIBLE LENS explores the Bible, the best selling book in the world, from the viewpoint of life in today's digital era.

Scroll down to see praise for Through a Bible Lens  from Jewish and Christian spiritual leaders and experts in digital culture. In his highl...