Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Innovative Book Engages Millennial Christians in the Language of Digital Culture

Prof. Mel Alexenberg’s new book Through a Bible Lens: Biblical Insights for Smartphone Photography and Social Media was reviewed by Eliana Rudee on Israel Breaking News. See https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/122059/evangelical-millennials-biblical-lens/.

Here are some excerpts from the review:
In the context of a flourishing era for Jewish-Christian relations in the United States and abroad, Israel is witnessing a new level of passionate support from Evangelical Christians - a group that represents more than a quarter of Americans. 

Israeli professor and author Mel Alexenberg says that Israelis value the support of such Zionist Christians who are strengthening the political and spiritual bonds between Washington and Jerusalem. Their bond to Israel relies on the Biblical mandate to bless Israel and the belief that the modern rebirth of the State of Israel in 1948 and re-gathering of millions of Jewish people to Israel represents fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.

However, in light of studies that raise concerns that the younger generation of Evangelical Christians “may not continue the enthusiasm for Israel of their parents and grandparents,” their support should not be taken for granted, says Alexenberg. He addresses the challenge of capturing the interest of the next generation, and sets out to engage the younger generation towards a more Biblical and pro-Israel mindset.  

“There are many fine books written by Christian Zionists that set out the case for Israel based upon the Biblical narrative,” he wrote, “I have found, however, that none speak in the language of the ubiquitous digital culture shaped by smartphones and social media. It is the language that Evangelical millennials understand best.”

Through a Bible Lens fills this void in a new and creative way, urging the younger generation of Jews and Christians to translate the Bible from contemporary viewpoints. “It speaks to the millennial generation in the their language of digital culture, smartphones and social media,” he told Breaking Israel News, “creating dialogue between digital texts and images that teach how Biblical insights can transform smartphone photography and social media into imaginative ways for seeing spirituality in everyday life.”

THROUGH A BIBLE LENS explores the Bible, the best selling book in the world, from the viewpoint of life in today's digital era.

Scroll down to see praise for Through a Bible Lens  from Jewish and Christian spiritual leaders and experts in digital culture. In his highl...