Friday, October 5, 2018

Launching Cyberangels from Jerusalem in Israel to JerUSAlems in USA to Celebrate Launching "Through a Bible Lens"

“He [Jacob] had a vision in a dream. A ladder was standing on the ground, its top reaching up towards heaven as Divine angels were going up and down on it.” (Genesis 28:12)

The artwork above “Angels Ascending from the Land of Israel” is in the collection of The Israel Museum in Jerusalem. I created it at a graphics center affiliated with the museum.  It  shows digitized Rembrandt angels going up from a NASA satellite image of the Land of Israel.  

These cyberangels will be animated and fly via digital technologies from Jerusalem in Israel into the twelve US states having places named JerUSAlem. This digital art event will be a contemporary realization of the biblical commentary that angels go up on Jacob’s ladder from the Land of Israel and come down throughout the world.

I am working with students at Emunah College School of the Arts in Jerusalem to create videos of everyday life in Israel from which the cyberangels will emerge.  Now that the US Embassy is in Jerusalem, I propose an exhibition of photographs of the 20 JerUSAlems in USA with a documentation of the cyberangels' flight into museums in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Maryland, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, Utah, and Vermont. See

The cyberangel launching events from the capital of Israel will correspond with the launching of my book Through a Bible Lens: Biblical Insights for Smartphone Photography and Social Media.  Scroll down for descriptions of some of my earlier cyberangel events: “Cyberangels Circle the Globe via AT&T Satellites” seen by millions, and The New York Times article “Artist’s Angel to Fly by Computer.” 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Amazing Perspective in the Age of iPhone Culture

Connecting the biblical world with the modern interconnected reality of today is so inspiring on many levels.  I really enjoyed it because it gives us an amazing perspective on our own existence, especially in the age of the interconnected iPhone culture.” 
- Prof. Michael Bielicky, head of Department of Digital Media/Postdigital Narratives, University of Art and Design/ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany

THROUGH A BIBLE LENS explores the Bible, the best selling book in the world, from the viewpoint of life in today's digital era.

Scroll down to see praise for Through a Bible Lens  from Jewish and Christian spiritual leaders and experts in digital culture. In his highl...